Ozonated Olive Oil
Ozone is what you smell after a heavy thunderstorm, ozone happens when lightning strikes 02 oxygen molecules and splits them into 01, and all those 01s free roaming look and pair with 02s that weren't hit, creating 03 aka OZONE, a stronger Oxygen Charge. 03 can super charge th body with oxygen and seep into parts in your body that is causing dis-ease and decaying forming fungi and bacteria because of th Enhanced Oxygen. This ozone that is natural produced in nature is what helps keeps are atmosphere clean, which is why after thunderstorm, things smell really good and th skies become clear!
Oz Oil promotes healthy, moisturized, beautiful, and lustrous skin, nails, and hair and makes a great alternative to commercial baby oil.
Ozonated Oil is used for teeth and mouth infections, calm Eczema, acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, herpes, parasite and yeast cleanses and athletes' foot to help reduce and eliminate, fungi and bacteria anywhere in and on th body.
Ozonated Olive Oil for the Mouth 1/2 - 1 teaspoon and swish in the mouth for 15 - 20 minutes (oil pulling with ozone oil)
If detoxifying or performing a parasite cleanse, consume one teaspoon daily as well (during the duration of the detox or cleanse)
which helps with suffocating parasites and worms in addition to dissolving stones (calculi) in the uro-genito system.
Our Product comes in a 2 oz Bottle
Ingredients: Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Full Strength Ozone (from ozonation)
The oil is processed with full strength ozone (enhanced oxygen, o3) from 100% ozone concentration machine highest) giving it the smell that it has.
OLIVE OIL is one of Th Most digestible fats and helps to reduce AGING of BODY TISSUES, ORGANS, and even Th BRAIN. Et protects against Th RISKS of CANCER, HEART DISEASE, and can even GUARD against STOMACH ULCERS. 13Love is our Olive Branch & symbol for ELOHYIM Tru Moors - da13thsun